Monday, October 10, 2011

Restful, not really, Day

I have definitely slacked off of posting, and I don't want to be like that.  That's the issue, I can't finish anything so I worry.  I worry that since I don't finish things well, that this will collide with the marathon.  You think?  I am eating whatever, not much thought about my GI issues...I am not training as diligently, missing a mile here and there.  Like today, altho it's a "rest" day, I had all good intentions to go to the gym and do some strength training and warm up for my long 20 miler tomorrow. Did I? Nah, why bother, I'm tired.  I can tell that my right calf is straining again, will I have another blow out right before? Maybe.  Am I stretching and trying to correct this? Nah, why bother.

So all in all, it's not a very restful day for this rest day.

Work hasn't been so restful.  Rumors and crap are sweeping the floors, why this, this is why, sketchy...when all in all, it doesn't really effect me.  It does indirectly because my coworker sits next to me, no more. I am alone again here, which I probably a good thing since I am backed up with work to do and it's always better to get ahead of the game.  I realize now that I hate most of the people around me so her leaving doesn't make my mind very restful.

I saw my neighbor last night who is planning on the marathon too.  Injured.  Great. So who knows what she plans to do.  I can only worry about myself now or not worry, but do this alone. No one to talk to once again.  My one friend is too intense. LOL

Summer Daze in October

I love it.  The 80F degree weather is back the first full week of October.  Am up in Provincetown, again. It's Women's Week but makes no difference to me or my partner.  We are here in the picture perfect weather with our two dogs, the last time in our favorite condo on Court Street.  We drove over to Truro, that's our new place to vacation, hopefully, it will all be as nice as this place.

There are less than a month for the NYC Marathon now.  I got my welcome pamphlet in the mail last week and reading it was probably the wrong thing to do.  Take fast food salt before during and after the marathon.  Really?  Do this, don't do that...what? I didn't even think of any of those possibilities.  What's no one can meet me at the finish? Really?   That's not fun.  And the course map, what was I thinking? 26.2 miles is far when you look at the map.  I'm too old for this.  hot flashes are worse than ever, my feet hurt more than ever, I am just tired.  Figured out my GI issues so that's a beginning but we are almost at the end.

18 miles yesterday.  Never ending. Maybe 5 hours or so with the stopping to text, etc.  See, there is no signal here, in and out, in and out so when I find it, I have to take advantage of it.  Don't feel as disconnected at I have in the past but still to let Maria know where I was and if she should meet me, was tough.  Needless to say, the heat on top of it.  Over 80. that was hot.  Not that I haven't been training in the heat, but after all the cool temps, it was a rude hot flashes.  I am flashing now I as write this.

I haven't posted in so long.  Won't post from work if I blog in "private" so it's been a lot of wasted thoughts deleted.  the hot flashes are so bad when the weather warms up. It's like having a high fever, a hit of achey feeling then sweat pouring out of my body.  Oh it's miserable.  whatever.

Tomorrow is 7 miles and who knows what follows.  I better check.  Saturday is my last 20 miles before the taper.  Three weeks to taper, fix my diet and then get this thing over with!  I cannot wait.  oh I volunteer soon and then am qualified for 2012.  Let's see if I actually can do it again with the training etc.  Not sure if I want to do it again until after I do it now.

I have discovered a way to get through the long runs now.  I downloaded an audio book!  What a brillant idea, I'm so late at it but gosh, it made the 18 miles feel like 7 and I am hoping that it will just continue to help me push through my training.  The Help, so good.  I love it!