Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Omg, not Nancy Grace!

Dancing with the Stars, what? Nancy Grace made the first round?  Unbelievable, she sucks in all sense of the word sucks!  Chaz made it, which is great, all those transgender haters, eat your heart out!! He was humble and fantastic!  Uh oh, private summer is taking over!  Sweating, all over.  Body of Proof now, all the new shows, the new season.

This is my fourth attempt to post something here.  I can quickly summarize my running last week.  Was in Vermont, 16 miles in the cold weather, which was a nice change.  Hoping that it mirrors the marathon day, November 6.  It was a gorgeous day, the sun was welcomed so early in September, no traffic, of course...perfect running weather.  Mile 5, my belly was hurting, gurgling, had to make the usual pit stop.  When will I figure this issue out.  I had no gels, just in case, just water.  I guess that was not the thing to do.  Maybe it was the bagel was too much to head out with in my belly.  No clue.

Sunday I did a 5 miler.  Okay, belly issues before heading out and ran through the discomfort.  the new try was running in compression socks. I looked kind of goofy but wow, felt awesome.  Going to try on the 18 mile run next weekend!

Honestly, I have been feeling pretty odd.  My belly is nervous, upset, not good.  I have been eating a lot of crap.  No great sleeping at all.  Menopause, I am going to assume.  I want to get over this already.  Anxious, depressed, stressed.  Aging really sucks.

Well gotta head off to bed.  Going to skip a run so I can move my long run up a day, rest day, etc.  Altering the training schedule in order to enjoy our last time out in Fire Island without the stress of running in circles for 18 miles.  5 miles is not a problem, but as the mileage increases, the Pines is not the place to be.  Too stressful.

Okay, good night ole world.  Gonna read me some Game of Thrones.  Love it.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I'm a Hater...

I work so hard not to have those negative thoughts or interactions with toxic people. It is difficult to avoid because these toxic people tend to seek my company.  I am assuming it is because I don't say anything, just listen, hoping that they will just go away once they realize that there is no interest here.  Doesn't work.  I try to be rude but masochists want whatever attention they can get, positive, negative.

This weekend was difficult to get my long run in.  I was so tired after my long run last week that I readjusted my training schedule so I could take an extra rest day but do another 6 miler, not to necessarily, make up for two runs, but whatever, more because I felt good enough to do so.  So when I went to a funeral on Saturday and decided to take it as a rest day, adjusting my long run for Sunday and skipping a short run only.  Made sense to me at the time.  I ran on 9/11.  Omg, another day, just another day but boy, running across the Wmsbrg Bridge to the Manhattan Bridge and then through Battery Park home again, the crowds were overwhelming. Cops, firemen, tourists, all over the place, traffic check points.  I am tired of all of it, and was so tired from running as well. Not a great 13 miles, pain in my hip, feet, hot, sweaty, tired.  Really took a lot of energy out of me.  My running is really not very interesting.  Tried a new gel but Honey Stinger...sent my belly in a tailspin but I think that I fueled too late in the run.  Not managing it well at all.  I am hoping that Saturday in Vermont will be better, doubtful but hoping that I manage a bit better.  I dread the hills but I really need to train better with speed and hills. Today I did 7 on the treadmill.  It was relaxing, chatted with a friend, got off, changed treadmills to chat with another.  The stress that comes with training for your first marathon varies so much.  This guy is seems so competitive, wants to go faster, longer, etc.  Maybe this is a guy thing. I am sure that he and this other dude checked my times which determined not doing any social runs with me, which is good. I don't like the pressure of keeping up, just want to chill and have a good time.  I'm too old to be competitive and care what my time is. Of course, I would like to finish in less than 5 hours, but there is no guarantee that will happen.  Most important thing is finishing healthy.  I have done 20 but I reassured him that I do take walk breaks, not that important for me to go fast, just to enjoy myself and not to overthink it. I do hope that I won't have the need to take many walk breaks, I have to really practice pushing myself.  I have too many pains going on, I have to be healthy to be able to move forward and succeed.

Gosh this woman is so toxic.  Shows no interest in my training or racing or anything but is so intrusive with her own bullshit. I don't care, I refuse to give her information on my training or thoughts because I had to figure things out on my own and she is not going to benefit from it.  If she was a nicer person or a real runner, maybe.  She just wants the bragging rights but has no idea what it all entails, for me, at least.  Will I race with her? NO, I have given enough money to NYRR including the marathon fee, no more from me. She had no idea what the cost is just to enter and she's a cheapass.  She won't make her qualifying 9, I just don't see it happening.  She has every excuse in the world and not the healthiest.  At least I know where she's volunteering so I can avoid that race at all costs.  I don't need the added pressure, she is super competitive.

I am a hater, big time.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lazy Rainy Days

Yesterday it was raining. I had tickets for tennis but it was awash. OH well.  So I went to the gym and ran 5miles on the treadmill.  Sucky but I decided that it was the treadmill or bust.  Today my intention was to run 8 miles but of course, I woke up at 5 to the sound of pouring rain. Decided to just skip the gym and push the training forward a day.  Now that the dentist was canceled, I realizel that I better keep at the training schedule. I will venture out in the rain today and do the 8 if it kills me.

There is a team run but I really don't feel like waiting until 7:30 to run with them. I will run alone.

Simple and easy. Doing nothing at work, better get busy.  Another wash out for tennis.  I have tickets for Friday, let's hope. 

My friend's mother in law passed away this afternoon. I am somewhat shocked at the speed that her death came.  Three weeks? I don't know.  Not a good time for my friend, her husband is having radiation treatment and then his mom passes.  I hope that his demise is not as grave (no pun intended) for her sake.

Life goes on.  And we run on, dealing with mortality, sickness, hot flashes/aging but appreciating that we were given the chance to experience every aspect, including death.  Hope that Lucy has found peace, finally.

Monday, September 5, 2011

20 Miles

Saturday, another long run was scheduled. 20 miles. I was nervous, anxious but headed out, without giving it much thought (lies).  Had a frozen waffle with peanutbutter, in hopes that I would have no GI issues.  It was about 7:45 a.m. or so.  The temperature was pleasant, I had three gels, gellies and water on my back.  Off I went.  I had planned to go to the Williamsburg Bridge to the Manhattan and over to the Brooklyn Bridge and then back to the Williamsburg, up the east river and home.  Somehow that is not where I ended up going.

I started going north on 2nd Avenue until 90th Street, I ventured further east to the Shultz Park to the east river bike path to the very end which was 125th Street.  I decided that running west on 125th Street would be too pedestrian crowded so went to 126th and headed west.  What a nice neighborhood, gorgeous brownstones, quiet area, crossed Amsterdam and the neighborhood continued to improve.  I hit the westside bike path and decided to go further north since I was only at 8 miles.  The running was good, no real need to stop.  Felt my belly talking so decided to stop and sure enough, the GI stuff started because I had just taken a gel.  No more pasta before running, definitely on a carb overload.  Chatted with a parks person and continued my way to the George Washington Bridge.  I hit my 10 mile mark then but decided to go further north along the Cross Island.  Gorgeous, hilly but when my garmin hit 11, I thought better of going further.

Slowly I needed more fuel and hydration but was running out.  Stopped and rested, stretched a few times as I made my way south then east to home.  I was depleted but still clear in the head, somewhat.  20 miles is a long distance and so many people exceed that. Hard to believe but i guess I will know what it's like on November 6.

The best thing about running through New York is the different neighborhoods, architecture, people.  I have to say that I am relieved to see that a lot of the history has been preserved, but not necessarily, as much as I would like to see.  The area along the Hudson is amazingly beautiful, away from traffic, peaceful. I don't really understand why the East River isn't as respected. 

M&Ms don't do well in my belly.  Am making "gravy", LOL, sauce.  "Oh, I'm Italian."  No, you are American and just so jaded by thinking you are "Italian," okay, of Italian heritage.  I can say "I am Japanese," and most "whites, Latinos and African BLACKS" would say.."yeah, you are"...Stupid ignorant racists, no, I'm American.  I can't go to Japan and feel like I belong.  I am Japanese by heritage but shamefully, American and stupid.

I am sick of being "American."