Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rainy Day on Sunday....

Lena Horne is talking on the tv.  She has a weird accent for a Brooklynite.  Sounds Southern.  Her sorority is Delta, oh there she says it.  She went south and spent time with her family down there.  Not my favorite artist, but interesting interview.  All those teeth.  Sad that she has passed. 

Yesterday I did my 10 mile run.  Park Avenue was closed off for the Summer Streets Program.  Three Saturdays the avenue is closed off to vehicles for people until 1 p.m.  I had no idea but luckily I had planned to run south to the Brooklyn Bridge, the most direct route is Park Avenue.  I find that I run very slow when I'm out on the street, people passing me, zooming away.  I can't run fast, my feet are in pain, my hip flexor aching, and I just want to run as far as I can without giving up and walking.  I feel so old because everyone who is passing is so young.  I am almost green with envy but keep the slower pace so I don't hit a wall at mile 2. HA!  So there I continued, down Park to the bridge, over the bridge and then was deciding between the Manhattan or the Williamsburg bridges.  I decided that the Wmsbg was the better choice since I needed 10 miles.  Manhattan Bridge is relatively close to the Brooklyn so off to Williamsburg, I ventured.

My right hip flexor was aching while my left foot felt as if it was slapping against the ground.  The odd tingley feeling on the bottom of my foot with this odd nail feeling. My biggest fear is to get another black nail on one of my toes.  I realize now, that I did not fuel correctly.  Just had a Stinger waffle, and that's it. Nuun in my hydropak and I just kept going and going.  Once I descended from the Williamsburg Bridge, I realized that it was time to fuel, it was well over an hour, pushing two hours.  So I tested a Powerbar Energy gel.  Hammer killed my GI system so I figured I was a bit over a mile away from home so I could take my chances.  So in the end, there was quite a bit walking and running.  I felt so much better after the gel.  Of course, my body was depleted of all nutrients/fuel.  I got home in 2 hours and immediately went into a cold bath for 15 minutes and ate something.  I never felt quite "normal" until we decided to go to the diner.  I had eaten fruit, cottage cheese, anything that was low calorie because I want to loose another 5 - 10 pounds.  Exhaustion and hunger just got the best of me until I had a big  breakfast at the diner.

The hot flashes were overtime most of the day and again today.  I am so thick around my waist now, just doesn't seem to go away.  MANopause really sucks.  It's a punishment for having an ovary.  Whatever, I'm sick of it but I keep pushing, trying to get through my training.  The bottomless pit in my stomach is depressing. I cannot stop eating, always hungry.  I am starting a new diet, low carbs and eating more healthy, kind of like weight watchers.  Making it a point to do weights two or three times a week now, running on the treadmill for the shorter runs.  I ran today on the treadmill, fast, so much faster than out on the road.  I don't think I could do a long run on the treadmill but the short ones will be at the gym so I can stretch and weight train.

Today it is raining, pouring, I wanted to run three miles outside because it's my new favorite weather to run in.  I did not, however, went to the gym.  Happy day, Jon is running again, after so many injuries, so we ran and chatted through the short run.  Running with a buddy takes me away from the hot flashes, the aches and pains of getting older.  Just keep going, and feel good.

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